According to PETER BÁTOR, with the new US administration, the Alliance's interest in cooperation with the EU has increased. In his view, the pandemic has highlighted the role of the armed forces in assisting not only domestic authorities but also allies. Russia is no longer a strategic partner for NATO, and we are also looking at China differently, which is why the upcoming summit and the Alliance's new strategy will come with big changes, says Slovakia's ambassador to NATO.

The European Public Prosecutor's Office, which officially launches on 1 June, is tasked with protecting the EU budget. Not only to prosecute the perpetrators but also to try to get the funds back. "We will not be isolated, we will accept suggestions from basically anyone," says JURAJ NOVOCKÝ, the European prosecutor in Slovakia.

The European Commission negotiates with Washington a new form of data transfer agreement. American companies have a problem, and the United States has not ruled out reconsidering the measures of domestic access to personal data. The pressure in society is great, say experts who are negotiating the new agreement.

Slovak military spending will for the first time exceed two percent of GDP, fulfilling th country's promise in NATO. The main reason for this step was the coronavirus crisis and additional military expenses. For the future of Slovak defense industry, a renaissance in heavy ground technology may be perspective, says MARTIN SKLENÁR in an interview.