The European Commission wants to present draft legislation by the end of the year to help protect women from violence. It therefore has the same objective as the Istanbul Convention, which was also rejected in Slovakia. The Commission now has the difficult task of identifying areas where a common European policy would not only be necessary and helpful, but also passable.

As the migratory wave from Afghanistan intensifies and may intensify further in the coming months, the European Union is carefully assessing its response options. It wants to avoid the disastrous déjà vu of 2015, when the basic principles of European and international law were not respected.

Before the pandemic, the European Union was preparing to repair relations with Russia. But the repression of the Kremlin's opposition, complications with the recognition of the Sputnik V vaccine, as well as intelligence information regarding the explosion in Vrbětice, have slowed down the agenda.

Diskusia o dôležitosti občianskeho aktivizmu v environmentálnych aktivitách poukázala na začiatky angažovanosti za komunistického režimu v osemdesiatych rokoch.

Výstupy boli publikované v rámci projektu From Europe with love, implementovaného s podporou Ministerstva zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí SR.