The United States is gradually winning EU member states to its side, but so far only from Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics. However, laws to shut Chinese tech giants out of Europe's 5G networks are also on the rise in Western Europe.

Na nemeckej frigate Hamburg, ktorá z prístavu Wilhelmshaven vyplávala v auguste, by malo pôsobiť päť Slovákov. [EFE-EPA/Focke Strangmann]

Five soldiers could join the European maritime operation IRINI, focused on illegal firearms trafficking, in a month. Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary have already sent their delegations. Slovak army gained experience from this region in 2017 and 2018.

Prototyp eurodrónu, ktorého vývoj financuje eurokomisia. [Wikimedia Commons]

Slovakia has not yet succeeded in research and development programmes, for which the European Commission has appropriated almost one and a half billion euros. Slovak companies or organizations are not in the database of partners for potential cooperation, either. Defense department believes a better communication style between the department and defense industry will change for the better.

Ilustračný obrázok. [Pixabay]

EU Member States are finishing up with drafting of own directories, serving as the basis for the new EU legislation to strengthen "common strategic culture" in defense and abroad. Accompanying debates should result in a mutual agreement on Union's defense ambitions.