[EPE-EFE/Alberto Valdes]

According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute defense spending grew to 1.753 billion worldwide, which is approximately 2.2 percent of global GDP. Up to 62 percent of those were spent by a fifth of all countries, none of which is a member of the European Union. 

North Atlantic alliance, and its troops in particular, fulfil important roles during the pandemic not only in the world, but also directly in its member countries. Transport of supplies and personnel is one of the key, though not the only, activity.


North Atlantic Alliance has arranged five missions that have helped transport medical supplies and fight the new coronavirus. Slovaks and Czechs were among the main beneficiaries, as well as Italians and Spaniards. The number of requests for allies within NATO keeps on growing. 


Except for disinformation, there are numerous kinds of phishing emails, Trojan horses and spams all over the Internet. Experts estimate that over three percent of web pages about coronavirus, that have been created since this year's start, contain harmful content. 

[EFE-EPA/Andrej Cukic]

International exercises canceled, withdrawal of troops and numerous workers as well as former Secretary General testing positive for coronavirus. How has the pandemic impacted the military and the transatlantic cooperation in the defense and security sector?