Lucia Berdisová [L.B.]

Slovakia's judicial reform will be closely monitored in Europe, but it will not be suspicious per se, says a constitutional lawyer LUCIA BERDISOVÁ.

EPA-EFE/Francoise Lenoir

Slovakia shall never be the most vocal critic of Hungary or Poland, but it will support mechanisms to secure the integrity of rule of law in the EU. Nobody should be given exceptions, Foreign Ministy representative says.

Ilustračný obrázok. [EFE-EPA/Valda Kalnina]

Involvement of third parties in PESCO projects was a priority for the Slovak government. Although the requirements for non-European parties to join are difficult as they currently are, EU has framed further restrictions, which may disqualify China, Turkey and Israel.

The United States is gradually winning EU member states to its side, but so far only from Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics. However, laws to shut Chinese tech giants out of Europe's 5G networks are also on the rise in Western Europe.

Na nemeckej frigate Hamburg, ktorá z prístavu Wilhelmshaven vyplávala v auguste, by malo pôsobiť päť Slovákov. [EFE-EPA/Focke Strangmann]

Five soldiers could join the European maritime operation IRINI, focused on illegal firearms trafficking, in a month. Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary have already sent their delegations. Slovak army gained experience from this region in 2017 and 2018.