Slovakia has a "historical and institutional debt" in the form of a low number of Slovak female ambassadors, says the state secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The new leadership, she says, still guarantees political support for solutions to this situation. A more transparent selection process or even a gender audit could help.

Defamation suits and criminal complaints are sometimes intended to deter journalists from exposing important affairs. The European Commission is preparing binding rules only for cross-border legal proceedings. For the domestic ones, it has merely issued a recommendation, from which the Slovak ministry has adopted only a reduction in penalties.

The Czech Republic knows very well what it is like when a top politician controls the media. That is why it is important that we support the Media Freedom Act. However, today it contains errors and merely recommends the most important parts, writes Czech MEP Marcel Kolaja (Pirates, Greens/EFA) in his commentary on the legislation on free media.

The latest public opinion polls show that a record 83 per cent of Ukrainians are in favour of Ukraine joining the NATO military alliance.