Although Berlin is making considerable efforts, the number of applicants interested in joining the German army has shrunk again this year. The German defence minister has stressed that recruitment must be as high a priority for the Bundeswehr as the procurement of equipment.

Although the Czech Security Information Service warns that the Czech Republic could also expect a Slovak scenario in the area of belief in conspiracies, political scientist JONÁŠ SYROVÁTKA doubts it. The Czech media, political and socio-economic environment is quite different from the one in Slovakia, Slovaks are an easier target, he says in an interview for

Up to eighty percent of young people in the Czech Republic support marriages for all. This is something every political strategist should think about, says ADÉLA HORÁKOVÁ, a lawyer of the Czech association Jsme fér, which recently got this proposal to the second reading.

A recent study shows that even though countries and institutions in both the EU and NATO are increasingly committed to increasing the representation of women in their defence and security structures, the progress has been slow. By 2025, even NATO wanted to "integrate a gender perspective into everything it does".