Our mission

EuroPolicy was established in 2011 in Bratislava to broaden the discussion on the European Union and its policies, policy initiatives, legislation, institutions and stakeholders. EuroPolicy promotes the ideas of European integration and its values. It raises awareness of various agendas of the European integration, cooperating closely with EURACTIV.sk.

Communication activities promoting involvement of civil society organisations in EU policy debates, and support of the European democracy
Cross-border cooperation
Supporting cross-border cooperation of various policy actors (public institutions, media, NOGs, corporate sectors, research & academia)
EU media coverage
Support activities improving access to and coverage of the EU policies by local media
Research and innovation
Research and innovation for responsible and evidence-based policy-making
Event management
Organisation of events and implementation of awareness campaigns related to EU institutions and policies
Educational activities, information campaigns and debates on EU issues, focused on young people and students


Energy Crisis Is Ending, but the Massive Fossil Fuel Subsidisation in Slovakia Is Not

Record energy prices with negative consequences for households and industry have been mitigated by the Slovak...

Experts Sound the Alarm: The Danube Needs Restoration, Not New Dammings

Damming the old Danube would not only threaten groundwater quality, destroy precious ecosystems and increase flood...

Errors in Permission of Gigabattery Plant in Šurany May Endanger People’s Health

Due to the erroneous setting of limits, an investment may avoid a full environmental impact assessment and subsequent...

Taraba Will Not Be the Only One to Decide on the Millions from the Environmental Fund, the Government Must Approve It

Both NGOs and cities criticised the draft amendment, according to which only the Minister of Environment would decide...

Energy Regulator Holjenčík Criticizes Green Energy as Well as European Institutions

Re-elected chairman Jozef Holjenčík stated in the annual report of the Regulatory Authority that too much attention...

Taraba Refuses to Implement the Directive on Fossil Fuel Charging for Households

Slovakia did not include charging for emissions from heating and road transport in the amendment to the Emissions...

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Team members

Executive Manager
Programme Manager

Communication Partner
