
Except for disinformation, there are numerous kinds of phishing emails, Trojan horses and spams all over the Internet. Experts estimate that over three percent of web pages about coronavirus, that have been created since this year's start, contain harmful content. 

[EFE-EPA/Andrej Cukic]

International exercises canceled, withdrawal of troops and numerous workers as well as former Secretary General testing positive for coronavirus. How has the pandemic impacted the military and the transatlantic cooperation in the defense and security sector?

[EFE-EPA/Jalil Rezayee]

Should the conditions of the deal be fulfilled, United States shall withdraw almost a third of its troops by this summer. Americans will leave NATO operations first, which may lead to its reorganization. By May 2021, 51 Slovak troops should be back from the Kabul base.

2020 ELECTIONS | Nationalist party SNS does not consider Russia a security threat. KDH, OĽaNO and Za ľudí are the most sceptical towards Russia, with the coalition PS/Spolu and SaS on board in calling out Russia's aggressive style of politics.

[EFE-EPA/Oliver Hoslet]

Among the V4 countries, most citizens, who view the Alliance's activites as not desirable, live in Slovakia. Slovak citizens have the least positive sentiments towards the United States and, on the contrary, the most positive sentiments towards Russia within the Visegrad countries, Pew Research Center study shows.