Before the pandemic, the European Union was preparing to repair relations with Russia. But the repression of the Kremlin's opposition, complications with the recognition of the Sputnik V vaccine, as well as intelligence information regarding the explosion in Vrbětice, have slowed down the agenda.

NATO attempted so-called “Trump-proofing” before the US election, but its results are questionable. In addition to securing continued support for Ukraine, allies have emphasised the issues that are the biggest thorns in the side of the new US administration.

The plan to build a European Defence Union faces both criticism and challenges, but Defence Commissioner Andrius Kubilius warns that preparing for worst-case scenarios is essential. “The Kremlin's attacks may soon cross the EU borders,” he said during his hearing. The European Commission is hence enhancing investment in defence and military capabilities.

Diskusia o dôležitosti občianskeho aktivizmu v environmentálnych aktivitách poukázala na začiatky angažovanosti za komunistického režimu v osemdesiatych rokoch.

Výstupy boli publikované v rámci projektu From Europe with love, implementovaného s podporou Ministerstva zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí SR.