Controversial carbon tax that households are to pay for pollution from 2027 will raise the petrol price not by 10 cents, but perhaps by as much as 40 cents per litre. The slow phasing out of fossil fuels in housing and transport sectors is to blame, increasing demand for emission quotas as well as their price. 

The Slovak regulator ÚRSO wants to increase a payment for connection to the grid for all electricity producers by 233 per cent in a fast-tracked comment process. According to renewable electricity producers, this will put the existing green power plants in financial trouble, stop new projects and threaten incoming investments.

EU states approved a revision of the ground-breaking directive on the energy performance of buildings – national governments now have two years to adapt their laws and develop national renovation plans. Slovakia abstained from voting along with the Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia and Sweden.

In foreign policy, the parties are the most divided on the issue of military support for Ukraine and the preservation of the veto power. Current topics that are almost completely absent in their programmes for the European elections are, for instance, the war in the Gaza Strip or bilateral relations with China.