Slovakia has not built a single new wind power plant in 20 years. It will even receive money from the Recovery Plan to do so, nevertheless the Ministry of Environment is making no progress.

In Sweden, Bulgaria and Portugal, the price of electricity is only half higher than natural gas - already enough for the heat pump to be worthwhile for households. In Slovakia, the price of electricity is three times higher than the price of natural gas. State subsidies are also important in the purchase process, as they moderate the high price of equipment, yet in our country they are at a halt. 

Fifteen member states are asking the European Commission to show how it intends to encourage the introduction of heat pumps to both households and district heating systems. Even though the initiative has been supported by the Slovak government, households in Slovakia are currently unable to draw on EU funds to purchase them.

According to electricity producers, NGOs, as well as the CEO of Slovenske elektrárne Branislav Strýček, the higher payment for connection to the grid "will kill any new project in solar or wind energy". According to ÚRSO, the producers have sufficient incentive to develop green sources.