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In a new resolution on Ukraine, the European Parliament has called for a stepping up of aid to the attacked state. It asked for the lifting of restrictions on attacks on Russian military targets and also "nudged" German Chancellor Scholz, whom it called on to deliver Taurus missiles. All MEPs from Progresívne Slovensko voted in favour of the call. Smer, Hlas and Republika were against. Beňová and Lexmann did not vote, although they were present.
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Lucia Berdisová was dismissed by the new president shortly after he took the office. Judicial Council, in which the future of judiciary lies, has since then managed to pass even fifteen points in two hours, which is not enough time for a serious discussion, she says in an interview.
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Minister of Environment did not include the Social Climate Fund, which is supposed to help people cope with the costs of greening heating and road transport, in the new emissions law. If Slovakia introduces it in 2028 instead of 2026, it may lose €245 million.
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The use of hundreds of millions of euros from the sale of emission allowances is newly approved by the government, which, according to local authorities, does not guarantee their involvement in deciding for what purpose the money will be allocated. The ministry speaks of a compromise, according to cities, the transparency and efficiency of the new fund setup is questionable.